THE completion of the new stretch of A59 at Kex Gill - on the road between Skipton and Harrogate - is now expected in the spring of 2026 says North Yorkshire Council.

The £68.9m realignment of the landslip prone section of road near Blubberhouses, between Skipton and Harrogate, was in late June said by the council to have been on schedule for completion in the autumn of next year.

But, in July, the date moved to the spring of 2026.

North Yorkshire Council’s executive member for highways and transport, Councillor Keane Duncan, said: "The A59 realignment project is progressing well and is forecast to be completed by spring 2026, providing the public with a new road to bypass landslip prone Kex Gill.

“This completion date is not new. It was stated at full council in July and at public drop-in sessions on the scheme throughout summer.

"This complex and essential scheme is the council’s largest ever highways scheme and its scale cannot be underestimated.

“It involves constructing 12 new structures, clearing 64,000 square metres of vegetation, building four kilometres of drystone walling, and planting 12,000 new trees.

"The groundwork alone involves the excavation of some 370,000 cubic metres of material - enough to fill 150 Olympic swimming pools.

“The demanding terrain makes the task even more challenging. We’re also taking extra special care of local wildlife by installing 60 bat and bird boxes, safely relocating fish, and providing access tunnels for badgers and otters.

"While the scheme was originally due to be completed in late 2025, the delayed start to the works means it is now scheduled to be completed a few months later than first stated.

"Thankfully, the existing A59 remains open to traffic until completion of the works so disruption should be kept to a minimum.

“We are looking forward to this challenging, but essential project, being completed and the new road opening, which will guarantee the future of this key east-west route.”

The new 2.4 mile stretch of road will start on the Skipton side at the junction of Moor Road and re-join the A59 at Moor Lane, Blubberhouses, where there will be improvements to the Otley junction close to St Andrew's Church.

The A59 was closed for four months earlier this year for repairs after a crack appeared next to the road.