A Bradford man sent photos of his genitals to what he thought were young girls he met online - but was confronted on his doorstep by a vigilante group who had set up decoys to trap paedophiles.

Adil Pasha will have to sign the sex offender’s register for ten years after being sentenced at Bradford Crown Court to 16 months in prison suspended for two years for three counts of engaging in sexual communications with a child and two counts of sending photographs of his genitalia.

The court heard that Pasha, 36, of Hazel Walk, Daisy Hill, had created an open online profile on which he had posted photographs of his penis.

It was this profile that he used when making contact with three girls that he believed to be just 13 years old but who were in fact false profiles for decoys created by West Yorkshire Police and the vigilante group Elite Team UK.

He messaged the first 13-year-old, actually a police decoy, between March 9 and 22, 2022 and asked her for pictures of herself. He sent her a video of himself grasping his crotch through his trousers.

The decoy also saw images of his penis on his profile, which could be viewed by anyone with access to it.

He was arrested in his attic bedroom on March 22, interviewed and later bailed.

Almost two years later, on February 11 this year, he contacted another 13-year-old – also a decoy – and sent her pictures of himself in his underwear.

Prosecutor Austin Newman said: “There was no doubt that the messages exchanged were between an adult and a child as there was repeated mention that she was 13 and in school.”

He later sent the girl a picture of his penis, told her that her profile was “hot”, asked her if she had “boobs” and if he could see them.

He later told her they should not talk anymore as she was too young.

Pasha also contacted another profile operated by Elite Team UK using an online profile featuring a picture of his erect penis.

He sent the girl – also a decoy – pictures of his penis and made crude suggestions.

He was confronted that same day, February 15, at his home by Elite Team UK who challenged him about his online behaviour and detained him until police arrived.

He was arrested and his bedroom searched. His mobile phones were located in the garden where, said Mr Newman, they had been “secreted” by another family member. Pasha declined to reveal the pin numbers and so they could not be forensically examined.

During a police interview he answered “no comment” to all questions asked.

Mitigating, Andrew Parnham said Pasha was a man of previous good character who had sought companionship online “and then he took it too far. He knows that what he did was wrong.”

He was said to be socially isolated, suffered from learning difficulties, and had previously attempted to take his own life.

Sentencing Pasha, who appeared via video link from HMP Leeds, Her Honour Judge Sophie McKone said: “You clearly do have a sexual interest in children and that can only be addressed if you are made the subject of an order that allows for rehabilitation.”

As well as imposing the suspended sentence she ordered Pasha to carry out 80 hours of unpaid work and to undertake 30 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

He was also made the subject of a 10-year sexual harm prevention order.