BGS has a long and cherished tradition of offering means tested Assisted Places (bursaries) to widen access and promote inclusivity. The school is now, for the first time, adding sports scholarship and music scholarship programmes to run alongside the Assisted Places Awards and existing Headmaster’s (four) Academic Scholarships.

Year 7 Academic Scholarships

Four of these are awarded to the boys and girls who demonstrate academic excellence in the Year 7 entrance exam in January. These prestigious scholarships provide a 20% reduction in fees for the duration of the recipient’s time at BGS subject to his/her grades being maintained. 

You cannot apply for a Headmaster’s scholarship. These are awarded for academic excellence following the Year 7 entrance exams and are at the discretion of the Headmaster. Recipients will finish at the top of the order of merit following January’s entrance examination and their families informed following the release of entrance exam results.

Additionally, children who score well in the January Year 7 entrance exam may be chosen to be one of our Charter Scholars.  This honour is given to those candidates who perform very well in our Year 7 entrance exam and whilst notable, they do not carry a significant financial benefit. A Charter Scholar receives the sum of £100 per annum for the duration of his/her time at BGS.

Year 7 Music Scholarships

Music Scholarships are awarded in Year 7 to those pupils who are successful in the entrance exam and additionally reflect a level of musical achievement, enthusiasm and potential.

Music Scholars will receive free instrumental tuition for the duration of their time at Bradford Grammar School, termly personal guidance from the Director of Music and will be fully immersed in the school’s music programme. Music Scholars will also receive bespoke coaching from external experts on performance, practice, resilience, rehearsal techniques, amongst other things. Please note these scholarships do not offer a remission in fees.

Candidates are asked to perform two contrasting pieces on their first instrument. Chosen pieces should be ones that candidates can play well and musically.  A slightly easier piece played well with attention to detail will impress more than a difficult piece played less accurately.

We will provide a piano accompanist for your audition if needed. If the piece you would like to perform has a piano part or a backing-track, candidates must remember to bring it on the day.

The whole audition will last no more than 20-30 minutes, and it is hoped that candidates will find the audition a friendly testing of ability and knowledge but also a positive experience.

Year 7 Sports Scholarships

Sports Scholarships are awarded in Year 7 to those pupils who are successful in the entrance exam and additionally reflect a level of sporting talent, enthusiasm and potential.

Successful applicants will have access to a weekly athletic development session in curriculum time and mentoring from the Head of Athletic Development. Alongside this they will have access to performance workshops delivered throughout the year.

These sessions will cover topics including, but not limited to, sport psychology and nutrition. Please note these scholarships do not offer a remission in fees.

Candidates must submit a reference from a sports club supporting their application together with confirmation that the applicant is performing at a county, regional or national competition level.

The deadline for applications for a Specialist Sports scholarship is January 10, 2025.

Successful candidates will be invited to a sports assessment at BGS, followed by an informal interview.

How to apply 

Candidates must sit and pass the Year 7 (11+) entrance exam week commencing  January 20, 2025, and have completed and returned the relevant application form. Click on the website page link Fees, Scholarships and Assisted Places for further details and how to apply.