A MAN who punched and kicked his “hidden” partner after he had been using nitrous oxide has been ordered to pay her £2000 compensation.

Prosecutor Anthony Moore told Bradford Crown Court on Monday that despite being in a relationship with Wasim Mehrban the woman was never taken to meet his family and he became disrespectful and abusive towards her.

Mr Moore said in May this year the woman told Mehrban that she didn’t want to be “hidden” anymore, but he threatened to kill her if she ever turned up at his house.

Mehrban later apologised for the threat and arranged an Airbnb property in Bradford where they could meet up.

Mr Moore said the night involved drinking and taking nitrous oxide, but when the defendant’s behaviour changed the woman tried to leave.

“The defendant stood in front of the door shouting and swearing and said she was only behaving that way because she was a woman,” said Mr Moore.

Mehrban then grabbed the complainant by the neck and threw her across the room into a television.

The court heard that Mehrban had called the property caretaker and claimed that the woman was “trashing the place”, but he was then seen to punch and kick the woman before running off.

Mehrban, of Heidelberg Road, Bradford, turned himself into police two days later, but claimed the woman had attacked him and caused the damage.

At a crown court hearing last month Mehrban, who had no previous convictions, finally admitted a charge of assaulting the complainant, but Judge Ahmed Nadim said it was a concern that the 25-year-old sought to minimise his guilt and victim-blame in his pre-sentence report.

“You have throughout these proceedings and in the course of your behaviour against your victim exhibited an attitude of misogyny and disrespect to your partner,” the judge told Mehrban.

Barrister Rodney Fern, for Mehrban, said his client was in work and had returned to live with his parents.

“He is terrified of the prospect of going to prison,” said Mr Ferm.

Judge Nadim decided to impose a three-year community order, but Mehrban must also complete 50 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

The judge also ordered him to pay £2,000 compensation to his victim for her injuries and trauma and also told Mehrban he would have to pay £750 costs.

“Should you breach the expectations of this court you will be brought back before me,” the judge warned him.

“I will remember you and I will suffer no hesitation in sending you to prison.”