A boy from the Bradford district who underwent life-saving heart surgery when he was a baby has paid his own special salute to the charity which supported his family.

Two-year-old Lochie Blue Hurley took part in the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund annual Superhero Walk.

The event saw young heart patients and their families follow a route around the concourse of Headingley Stadium in Leeds.

More than £10,000 was raised.

When Lochie, of Silsden, was born at Airedale Hospital, he weighed just 5lb 3oz and his feeding was poor, so he was transferred to the special care baby unit for observation.

After 10 days, with his condition declining, he was transferred to Leeds Children’s Hospital for further investigations.

He was subsequently diagnosed with congenital heart disease, and – at 19 days old – underwent nine hours of emergency open heart surgery to save his life.

Lochie’s mum, Kate, who already had two daughters, said: "Becoming a 'heart family' so unexpectedly was challenging.

"Our vision of taking our third and final addition home to meet his sisters was ripped away. Instead, we worried we would be telling his sisters the worst.

"Eighteen days after Lochie’s birth, we reunited as a family at Leeds High Dependency Unit. The girls met him and had their first cuddle, before he went off to undergo surgery the next day."

Six months later, Lochie underwent a second open heart operation.

Kate says the support from the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund was "amazing".

"Lochie was presented with bears, a medal and certificate which were a great comfort to him whilst in hospital and also remind us daily of how strong our little warrior is!" she says.

"The practical things were taken care of, such as a car parking pass at the hospital and accommodation.

"We couldn’t be more thankful to Lochie's surgeon Giuseppe Pelella and his team for saving his life and for the amazing support from the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund."

Kate says Lochie is now "full of joy".

She adds: "He loves nothing more than making his big sisters laugh and letting them run around after him!

"He’s never phased by his check-ups.

"He has now graduated to annual echo scans and has started pre-school. He has a few more hurdles in the future, with minor surgeries, but right now he's loving life as a plane-obsessed, chocolate monster!".

For more about the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund and to donate, visit chsf.org.uk