DURING my recent exhibition at the Trapezium Art Gallery in Bradford I had the pleasure of meeting many members of the public, some of whom were established artists or just enjoyed painting.

However, it was not just artwork using paint. It varied from drawing to crafts and printing etc. One gentleman revealed he had documented historical events using pencils. Another adult used textiles in her images of landscapes.

The diverse range of skills and interests amazed and fascinated me. It became obvious that you can`t always “judge a book by its cover”. To see these individuals out of context would be difficult to visualise their hidden talents and creativeness.

One of the visitors to the exhibition was a talented eight-year-old. I therefore made the decision to focus this article on him and another talented boy, who is a student of mine who lives in Chile, I tutor him via a video link.

Each boy has different skills which shows how art may be explored in various ways.

First, I will introduce you to Thomas. I first came across Thomas with his mother in the hairdressers. This surely has to be fate. I noticed he was carrying a sketchbook and I couldn’t resist requesting a look. His mother explained that he carried his sketchbook wherever he went This is a true artist in the making.

I was amazed at this eight-year-old’s talent. His mother explained that Thomas first took a real interest in drawing around the age of five. He struggled in his early years to even draw simple patterns, but then practised drawing shapes with his dad and watching drawing programmes online.

Thomas with one of his drawingsThomas with one of his drawings (Image: Lynne Dobson)

By the age of six his work was more advanced, adding detail with fine markers and creating his own style. Thomas is fascinated in the Japanese art of Manga and the use of anime taken from animations.

Next is Vincent, my nine-year-old student. Vincent is interested in all types of transport and makes intricate models out of paper. His dad told me that Vincent has always been interested in transportation and makes every journey a source of fascination.

Vincent at work on a model Vincent at work on a model (Image: Lynne Dobson)

He notices the detail of how a vehicle looks, the sounds it makes and how its wheels turn. In his artwork and model making, Vincent is not only able to get across his detailed knowledge of a vehicle’s looks but also a sense of movement and the drama of a journey.

In our tuition time he frequently tells me about his latest projects and it is obvious how he enjoys his model making, helping him to relax, and shows utter pride in his work.

Both these young boys have a positive future in art. Maybe graphic design and film-making for Thomas. Maybe transport designs or prop designs for Vincent. Who knows?

One thing I do know is they have an excellent future ahead and I`m sure you will agree.

Please notice the skills and talents of children and nurture them, so they can become successful adults.

Thomas has his own YouTube channel: @TomTheDrawingMaster

* Please send children’s artwork to my email: purplegranny48@gmail.com