WORKS can be done to a church dating back to the 1760s that has “considerable historic and architectural importance” to Bradford.

St John’s in Bierley is one of the oldest functioning buildings in Bradford, and is still well used for services and community events.

A planning application for alterations to the building, on Rooley Lane, was recently submitted to Bradford Council.

The plans said changes were needed to make the church more accessible to disabled users – including making one of its doors more wheelchair accessible by creating a level entrance.

The application said: “The Church wishes to make improvements internally to improve level access for wheelchair users, along with other internal improvements such as a wheelchair accessible toilet and servery.”

The plans have now been approved.

Accessibility works will be done to the entrance of the churchAccessibility works will be done to the entrance of the church (Image: T&A)

Bradford Council’s Conservation Officer Jon Ackroyd said: “St John’s is a beautiful church of considerable historic and architectural importance.

“Originally built as an estate chapel to Bierley Hall, a former estate now long gone, and the work of eminent architect John Carr. It displays elegant Classical detailing, exceptional craftsmanship and is very well preserved.”

He said the changes will make little difference to the building’s significance, adding: “the works will bring benefit as well as upholding the significance and quality of this important listed building.”