A YOUNG man has bravely spoken about his mental health battle upon returning to help others at the Bradford hospital he used.

From a young age, Euan Atkinson struggled and was admitted into hospital twice, once in 2022 and again in 2023.

It was thanks to the brilliant work at the 46-bed Cygnet Hospital Wyke on Huddersfield Road that put him back on his feet - even completing a course in Railway Engineering.

Euan now wants to help other patients at the hospital "through their darkest days" to give them the best chance of recovery.

“It's absolutely unbelievable to have gone from the place I was in to where I am now,” he said.

“18 months ago, I was still having irrational thoughts and was in a bad place. 

“Now I have my head screwed on and I'm feeling better than I have done in a long while."

Talking about his hospital admissions, Euan said: “Both times going in I had become engrossed in my own world, I couldn’t think rationally.

“I was in a disconnected state where what I thought was happening and what was really happening were completely different.

"I was in a really volatile frame of mind and had a dangerous sense of self-confidence.”

Euan’s problems started in 2019 when his relationship broke down. 

“I became very depressed and attempted suicide.

"My mum supported me and I was helped by an early intervention service.

"My community care wasn’t enough and I was admitted into hospital, though after five weeks I was discharged.”

Following a trip to Asia with his dad, Euan became paranoid and his mental health relapsed. 

“I was admitted into Cygnet Hospital Wyke where I initially struggled to settle but the staff put the time and effort in to reassure me and build our rapport. This then gave me the comfort and confidence to grow and learn, helping me become the person I am today,” he said.

Euan said it was the unwavering support and dedication of the staff on the ward that allowed him to take control of the “turbulent journey of life and make better choices”.

He has now begun working for the Lived Experience Network as an Expert by Experience – someone who has personal experience of using or caring for someone who uses health, mental health and/or social care.

Euan said: “Now I go to Cygnet Hospital Wyke once a week and I am really enjoying the role and feel I am making a difference already.”