PLANS for a “stark and incongruous” 22 metre tall phone mast on a major Bradford road have been refused.

Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Ltd applied to Bradford Council to erect a mast with 12 antennas, four dishes and seven cabinets on Toller Lane, near its junction with Fairbank Road.

The structure would be surrounded by a two metre high fence.

The application said the mast would “deliver public benefit in terms of the mobile services it will provide.”

But planning officers at the Council have refused to grant permission for the mast – highlighting the huge amount of equipment that would come with it.

Although officers acknowledged that masts of that height are usually acceptable, they added: “This mast has twelve antennae and other equipment attached to it, making it much more apparent in this streetscene.

“Whilst there are lampposts and tall trees in the area, there is a distinct lack of such features or of tall buildings which would reduce the impact of this development.

“Furthermore at ground level the equipment is to be enclosed by a 2 metre high palisade fence further exacerbating the visual harm caused by the development.

“The proposed development would result in a stark and incongruous feature into this area which results in significant harm to visual amenity.”