A NINE-YEAR-OLD lurcher from Bradford has won Anchor's Pet of the Month accolade for August.

The pup, whose name is Ed, has lived at the housing and care provider's Peaselands location, off Westcliffe Road, with owner Martine Robinson for just over a year.

Ed lost his 16-year-old brother Striker last month, but "bounced back" and remains the "perfect companion" for Ms Robinson, according to Anchor.

Martine said: "He’s so good for my mental health, having him there all the time.

"He’s such a loving dog and helps ensure I’m always getting out of the house."

Dawn Needham, location manager of Anchor’s Peaselands, said: "Ed is an absolute star.

"He’s a lovely dog and really makes everyone’s day.

"He is a wonderful companion for Martine and a firm favourite for all our residents!"

Anchor was recently awarded the Platinum standard from the RSPCA for supporting pet-owning residents at its properties.