COLDER weather is on the way, according to the Met Office.

The weather agency is forecasting highs of 17C in Bradford today.

But according to the Met Office, rain will work southwards across the country tomorrow, bringing cold northerly winds with it.  

A spokesperson for the Met Office said: "This markedly cold, showery airmass spreads across the whole of the UK by mid-week with hail and thunder in places, and there is the chance some of the showers could turn wintry over some Scottish mountains."

The latest Met Office forecast for Bradford shows temperatures topping 15C tomorrow, 12C on Wednesday, 13C on Thursday and 14C on Friday. 

The Met Office spokesperson said: "Looking further ahead, milder air from the Atlantic is expected to push back across the country later on Friday and more especially into the weekend, cutting off the cold air from the north and seeing a return to temperatures nearer average for the time of year."