Sir Ian McKellen is facing calls to return his knighthood after comments he made over the late Queen.

In an interview with The Times Sir Ian called the late monarch "rude" and "quite mad".

Sharing with the newspaper: "The Queen, I'm sure she was quite mad at the end. And on the few occasions I met her she was quite rude."

However now many, including royal experts, are calling for the iconic actor to return his knighthood following his comments.

Calls for Sir Ian McKellan to return knighthood

Sir Ian received his knighthood back in 1991 for his services to performing arts and 17 years later gained the Companion of Honour from the Queen. 

Royal biographer Margaret Holder told The Daily Express: "Perhaps if Sir Ian feels so slighted by the Queen he could consider returning his knighthood, although he may regret that in the future."

Sir Ian's comment also gained the attention of the Queen's former official spokesman Dickie Arbiter who worked for the monarch from 1988 to 2000. 

Mr Arbiter questioned why Sir Ian ever accepted the award.

In the interview with The Times, Sir Ian recalled his meeting with the Queen sharing that she said: "You’ve been doing this for an awfully long time."

The actor replied: "Well not as long as you."


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Adding: "I got a royal smile for that, but then she said, 'Does anyone still actually go to the theatre?'"

Sir Ian then shared how he found the conversation "bloody rude" adding that he took the discussion as: "Does anyone care a f*** about you because I don’t. Now off you go!"

Some have even questioned if the conversation between Sir Ian and the Queen took place, as royal biographer Christopher Wilson challenged the actor's claims.