A developer has failed to secure planning permission for a new Burger King drive-thru after road safety fears were raised.

Multiple objections were raised to plans for the restaurant near a busy junction at Kirkstall Retail Park.

NewRiver Retail said the scheme would create jobs and bring a disused site near Savins Mill Way back into use.

Approval was recommended by Leeds City Council officers and was subject to financial contributions to help ease traffic problems in the area.

But the scheme was not given permission by the council’s South and West Plans Panel and could eventually be refused.

The panel received 26 objections, including from ward councillors, for reason including road safety and air pollution.

Coun Fiona Venner, Labour member for Kirkstall, said road accidents were frequent near the site.

She said: “When will we say that enough is enough? We  already have poor air quality in this area and we have chronic congestion.

“It’s a really alarming picture at the moment and a drive-thru will significantly attract more drivers.”

Planning consultant Nick Pleasant, speaking on behalf of the applicant, said detailed studies had been carried out on the traffic impact.

He said: “We are very aware of the local concerns relating to traffic and highways and we have sought to address that with very robust and significant work.

“It’s an approximately £2m investment in the local area which will bring jobs and growth, and will re-use a brownfield site that currently has no useful purpose.”

A report to the scheme said approval would see the developer contribute £72,000 for nearby road signal and traffic camera improvements.

Planning conditions also included a litter management plan, agreed opening hours, replacement trees and cycle storage.

But Coun Penny Stables, Wetherby Green Party member, said: “I don’t see how we can, or should, encourage additional traffic to what is already an incredibly dangerous and over-congested section of roadway.”

Andy Parnham, Labour Armley councillor, told Thursday’s (Sep 5) meeting people in his ward would not approve of the scheme.

He said: “It’s a pinch-point between Armley, Bramley and Kirkstall. It is hugely congested.”

Councillors  passed a motion saying the panel was minded to refuse the application on traffic safety grounds.

Detailed reasons for refusal will be drawn up by council officers for discussion at a future panel meeting.