POLICE have seized a car from a driver who had a revoked licence.

Officers from West Yorkshire Police's Steerside Enforcement Team stopped the Ford vehicle on Halifax Road, Bradford, as they spotted driver was not wearing their seatbelt. 

But police said the car was "full of invisible passengers all wearing theirs" - and shared a picture of the inside of the vehicle showing other seatbelts fastened. 

The vehicle was seized and the driver has been reported.

Officers subsequently found out the driver had a revoked licence. 

A spokesperson from the team said: "We stopped this Ford on Halifax Road due to the driver not wearing seatbelt.

"It seemed to be full of invisible passengers all wearing theirs, however.

"The driver turned out to have a revoked licence.

"The vehicle was seized and the driver reported."

The Steerside team has been dedicated to tackling crimes on our roads since the initiative was launched in 2016.