A BRADFORD police chief will face a misconduct hearing later this month.

Brief details have been posted on West Yorkshire Police's website. 

The notice says that a misconduct hearing is to be held in relation to Chief Superintendent Daniel Greenwood.

It adds: "Chief Superintendent Greenwood faces allegations of gross misconduct relating to his conduct towards a constable between March 2019 and November 2021."

It's understood to relate to an alleged relationship with a junior officer

Back in November 2021, the Telegraph & Argus reported that an investigation had been launched following an allegation of misconduct in Bradford police.

At the time, Alison Lowe, West Yorkshire’s Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, confirmed West Yorkshire Police’s Chief Constable had made her aware of “recent events”.

The force said two officers had been suspended from duty while the matter was investigated. 

In a statement, a spokesperson said: “West Yorkshire Police’s Professional Standards Directorate are investigating alleged misconduct of officers in Bradford District.

"Two officers have been suspended from duty pending the outcome of that investigation.”

Ms Lowe said: “The Chief Constable has made me aware of recent events, however, I cannot comment further while investigations are ongoing.”

In his high-profile role, Chief Supt Greenwood spoke on many issues affecting Bradford, including dangerous driving.

Back in 2019, he told the Telegraph & Argus: “Nuisance vehicle use and anti-social driving is a big concern to the people of Bradford and the Steerside Enforcement Team will play a key part in tackling offenders and improving the standards of motoring in Bradford District."

He added: "Bradford’s reputation for poor driving standards cannot continue and we are working hard with partners from different sectors to develop approaches to dealing with this problem, alongside a more directed and robust enforcement route.”

Speaking in 2021, 20 years on from the Bradford Riots, he said: “The Bradford in which I am the District Commander is different to the Bradford in 2001.

"It isn’t a place where we see significant instances of disorder and unrest; it is a city which is celebrating its diversity, which is looking forward and a city which is proud of its progress.

“The Bradford Riots happened 20 years ago against the backdrop of community concerns about the presence of the National Front in the city and deep social divides amongst our communities.

“In the two decades since then, we have worked hard alongside the other agencies and with our communities to overhaul how we engage, how we listen and how we respond to community concerns."

The hearing will take place on September 16 at the force's headquarters in Wakefield.