A TRADITIONAL shop front has replaced garish modern signage on a Grade I-listed Bradford building. 

Last October bright red, modern signage was fitted to a newsagent unit on the Wool Exchange on Market Street – one of Yorkshire’s most impressive Victorian buildings.

The signage and frontage for The Red Shop proved hugely controversial, with Councillors and Bradford residents aghast that such a shop front had been installed on a building so significant to Bradford’s heritage.

At the time the boss at the store told the Telegraph & Argus he didn’t realise he needed permission to make alterations to the front of the 1860s building.

The Red Shop shortly after the unauthorised signage was fitted last yearThe Red Shop shortly after the unauthorised signage was fitted last year (Image: T&A)

Bradford Council began an investigation into the changes, and a planning application to remove the signage and replace it with a more traditional shop front was submitted and approved.

Work on the shop front is now complete.

Following completion of the work, Si Cunningham, Chair of Bradford Civic Society, said: “After making representations on this case, I'm pleased to see that the occupier has taken comments on board and installed a shopfront that is far more sympathetic to our historic Wool Exchange.

“It may only seem like a small thing, but well thought-out design on heritage buildings has such a positive impact on a street. Hopefully with the ongoing improvements to Market Street, the Wool Exchange can thrive once again.

“This case does, however, highlight other shops that need to take action to bring their fronts up to a higher standard."