A DRINK-driver who tried to evade police reversed towards an officer, forcing him to avoid being hit, and then collided with a patrol car.

Yousaf Khan is now beginning a 15-month jail sentence after pleading guilty to dangerous driving, driving whilst disqualified, having no insurance, and obstructing a police officer.

He has also been banned from driving for more than five years.

Prosecutor Jemima Stephenson-Finn told Bradford Crown Court how Khan, 27, of Royal Gardens, Bradford, was seen driving an Audi A3 slowly on Huddersfield Road in Brighouse on August 10 last year.

Officers in a patrol car saw he was travelling at 25mph in a 40mph zone, that he kept touching his brakes, and was swerving across the road.

As he turned into the junction of King Street and Lawson Road the officers signalled for him to stop, and Khan appeared to pull over but then reversed at speed. However, the Audi’s path was blocked by bollards.

The junction of Lawson Road and King Street in Brighouse The junction of Lawson Road and King Street in Brighouse (Image: Google Street View)

As an officer walked towards the Audi, Khan reversed towards him, forcing him to step out of the way, before crashing into the back of the police car.

One officer ran to the car and ordered Khan to stop but he put the Audi into gear and tried to drive away with the constable half-in and half-out of the car.

As he reversed at speed the officer jumped into the Audi to prevent himself being crushed between the two vehicles. He feared Khan would drive away if he was able to push the patrol car out of the way.

An officer inside the patrol car thought he was going to be hit when he attempted to get out as Khan reversed towards him, but he escaped injury when both car doors were crushed outwards.

A third officer managed to pull Khan from his Audi, though he continued to struggle. The car then rolled forward and collided with a wall.

The “chaotic” incident was captured on bodyworn cameras.

Khan was handcuffed and gave a false name. A roadside breath test showed he was over the drink-drive limit.

On being arrested his true identity was established and officers found he was disqualified and not insured.

In a statement officers said the incident demonstrated that even a simple traffic stop can result in officers “coming to significant harm” with one commenting that he did not expect to be “in fear of his life” when conducting a traffic stop.

Another officer said he “genuinely believed that he was done for” as Khan reversed his vehicle towards him showing “a complete disregard” for his life and the lives of his colleagues.

The case was heard at Bradford Crown CourtThe case was heard at Bradford Crown Court (Image: Newsquest)

The court heard that Khan had an extensive record for driving offences including for drink driving, having no insurance, and driving whilst disqualified. He was under a suspended sentence order at the time.

Also, in October last year he was banned from driving for 40 months.

Mitigating for Khan, who appeared via video link from HMP Nottingham, Ian Hudson conceded he had a “very poor record” for driving but that his early guilty plea showed his remorse.

He also said faulty breathalyser equipment meant it had not been possible to provide an accurate reading.

Jailing Khan and banning him from driving for 61 months, Mr Recorder David Kelly said his conduct was “highly culpable”.

He added: “I also bear in mind the significant psychological trauma it caused to the police officers.

“I have considered whether I can suspend that [15-month] sentence but given the persistence with which you continue to commit offences and ignore court orders, I do not consider that there are currently reasonable prospects for your rehabilitation.”

He ordered Khan to pass an extended retest before getting behind the wheel again.