This week's MP column comes from Naz Shah, Labour MP for Bradford West 

As we move from summer into autumn, we'll inevitably be keeping a closer eye on our heat and electricity bills.

Over the last two years, the average family has paid more than £1,880 in energy bills, and this sharp price increase is largely due to mismanagement by the Conservative government.

Bradford West MP Naz ShahBradford West MP Naz Shah (Image: Newsquest)

Indeed, the past few years under Tory rule have taken a significant toll on our economy, businesses, homes, and families.

As well as the enormous debt which has been racking up over the past 14 years, we now also have an energy crisis - a direct result of the failure of the energy policies adopted by the previous government.

The failure to invest in clean energy, energy storage and the overreliance on gas has set us up for failure.

The energy crisis is making life difficultThe energy crisis is making life difficult

The surge in fossil fuel prices due to the war in Ukraine has also significantly affected UK households, driving up gas costs.

Bradford faces a number of poverty issues, with 15 per cent of households already facing fuel poverty and additional statistics showing that 44,287 children are living in poverty.

The city is ranked as the fifth most income-deprived and sixth most employment-deprived local authority in England; this means that these can be troubling times, and the energy crisis has been acutely felt.

People in Bradford are feeling the pinch People in Bradford are feeling the pinch (Image: Paul Dalton/T&A Camera Club)
Change is, therefore, necessary.

The Labour government's long-term goal of creating clean, homegrown power can give our country the energy independence we need, which we have lacked for many years.

These long-term changes will enable us, as a country, to stand on our own two feet, providing us with not only jobs and boosting our economy but increasing energy security.

The Labour Government has already begun taking the necessary steps to put in place green and affordable energy, ending the ban on onshore windfarms imposed by the Conservative Government.

This will mean that we are already paving the way for lower bills and cleaner, cheaper forms of energy.

Naz Shah says Labour is paving the way for lower billsNaz Shah says Labour is paving the way for lower bills (Image: PA)

Moreover, the Labour Government aims to clamp down further on tax loopholes for oil and gas companies and bring in a proper windfall tax on oil and gas giants.

It is wrong to continue to leave on the table billions of pounds from oil and gas companies that could be used to provide greater support to households when so many people are still wondering how they are going to make ends meet when faced with their energy bills.

In the long term, the Labour Government hopes to invest in the National Wealth Fund, the manufacturing of green hydrogen, carbon capture, the steel industry, and much more.

We will have growth in every region of the United Kingdom with a wealth of high-skilled and well-paid jobs available, levelling up areas like Bradford West, which has been left behind for so long due to Tory's mismanagement.

We have had 14 years of complete failure built on poor economic growth and long-term failure on energy security.

In government, Labour is not here for quick so-called wins that lead us to an even bigger crisis in a few years but is ready to invest and rebuild Britain's capability for long-term success.