A PHOTOGRAPHER captured a remarkable night-time image of an iconic viaduct.

David Robertshaw, 44, from Halifax, managed to snap the Milky Way over Ribblehead Viaduct early Saturday, just as a train crossed the structure.

He said: "I had been planning this shot for quite some time, and when I saw we had a clear sky the other night, I headed to Ribblehead Viaduct to capture it.

"Using a dedicated star tracking rig and astro-modified camera, I photographed the Milky Way with a total exposure time of around 2-3 hours.

"After aligning the tracker, I set everything up to achieve the optimal exposure balancing the sky and viaduct.

"And to add that extra piece of magic, I timed the shot to capture the light trail of a train as it passed over.

"The modified camera enhanced red hues and gasses, these were brought out further in post processing revealing vivid details that resulted in a striking image of the night sky in the Yorkshire Dales."