Russ Clarke, Rich Degnan and Verity Clarke run the bar and brewery Russ Clarke, Rich Degnan and Verity Clarke run the bar and brewery (Image: Matt McCormick)A BAR and brewery that started out during the pandemic has gone from strength to strength, becoming a popular, award-winning business with loyal regulars. Welcome to Amity Brew Co - T&A Pub of the Week.

*What is the name of your bar and where is it?

We’re Amity Brew Co, and we’re located in Sunny Bank Mills in Farsley.

We’ve been proudly serving our community since December 2020, we were born in the pandemic and started in lockdown conditions and gradually opened to the public by April 2021.

* Can you tell us the story behind it?

Directors Rich Degnan and Russ Clarke have worked in the industry for over a decade and met whilst working together at a national online beer store. Third Director Verity Clarke joined in to support with building a community, following her 15 years in food and drink public relations.

We wanted to start our own business in the industry, thinking we might open a bar or bottleshop, but then we decided it wasn’t scary enough - so we decided to launch a brewery!

The bar is run by General Manager James Downing-Green who has over 20 years experience in hospitality and the beer is brewed by Tom Summerscales, who has experience at both Kirkstall Brewery and Vocation. Supporting the team are 10 other team members, including Assistant Brewer Dave Cox and Bar Supervisors Tom Hudson and Graeme Findlay.

* Tell us about the location of the bar and brewery.

Our pub is housed in a charming, historic building within Sunny Bank Mills that’s been a fixture in the community for decades. The building itself has a lot of character, with original brick walls and wooden beams that add to the cosy, inviting vibe. It’s the perfect setting for our craft brewery, combining old-world charm with a modern touch.

The bar has a popular terrace for al fresco dining and drinking The bar has a popular terrace for al fresco dining and drinking (Image: Amity)

* Where does the name of the bar come from?

The name ‘Amity’ represents friendship and harmony, which are core values for us. We wanted a name that reflected our mission to create a friendly, inclusive space where people from all walks of life could come together and enjoy good company and great beer.

* What is the interior like - traditional/modern or a mix?

The interior is a harmonious mix of traditional and modern design elements. We worked very closely with Design Tonic who specialise in transforming spaces. We’ve kept the original features of the building, like exposed brick and vintage woodwork, but added contemporary touches like sleek, industrial lighting and comfortable, modern furnishings. The result is a space that feels both timeless and up-to-date.

*Have you carried out any refurbishments?

Yes, as we’ve grown we have been able to invest in the space. We created a covered area for our terrace which allowed us to be more weather proof against the British summer and it is also heated.

We’re fortunate to have a lovely terrace that’s perfect for enjoying a pint on a sunny day. The Sunny Bank Mills car park has 90 free parking spaces just outside too.

It’s a tranquil outdoor space with plenty of seating, surrounded by greenery, making it a great spot to relax with friends.

A great spot to relax with friends, in the charming Sunny Bank Mills complex A great spot to relax with friends, in the charming Sunny Bank Mills complex (Image: Amity)

* How would you describe your menu?

We have a small menu in conjunction with local bakery Mill Kitchen. It’s all about quality, locally sourced ingredients with a focus on comfort food that pairs perfectly with our beers.

We have focaccia, sausage rolls and savoury bakes on offer. We also support the local eateries and encourage our customers to order from local outlets including Farsley Fire and Smoke for authentic BBQ, Grumpys pizza and Sabrosa Street for Mexican.

* What ales are popular? Any from local breweries?

Our permanent line-up includes a variety of our own beers with our flagship Helles Lager, Festoon and Juicy Pale called Waterpistol. We also serve our own cask and have a Crack The Keg night every third Thursday where we reveal a special one off beer that we have brewed on a smaller pilot kit.

Our can fridge often features brews from other local breweries. Supporting the industry is important to us, and our customers love discovering new favourites from producers that we rate.

* Is it a community pub?

Absolutely, Amity is very much a community pub. We have a strong base of regulars who have become like family to us. We take pride in being a gathering place for the neighbourhood, where everyone feels welcome and at home.

There's a strong sense of community at Amity, and many loyal regulars There's a strong sense of community at Amity, and many loyal regulars (Image: Matt McCormick)

* Do you have themed events or community events?

Yes, we love hosting themed events and community gatherings. From quiz nights to beer tastings, there’s always something going on. We also feature live DJs on weekends, showcasing local talent and creating a lively atmosphere.

Our next major event will be an OktoberFest free event for two weeks in September and a dark beer event in November.

We also host an annual beer festival in July in the Sunny Bank Mills car park featuring live music and 10 other breweries.

* Are you dog-friendly?

We’re definitely dog-friendly! We love welcoming our furry friends, we even have water bowls and treats available for them. Our beer garden is a favourite spot for dog owners to relax and enjoy a pint with their pets.

* What do you enjoy about your job?

What we enjoy most about our job is the sense of community and the opportunity to share our passion for craft beer with others. Seeing people come together, whether it’s to celebrate, relax, or just enjoy a good conversation over a pint, is incredibly rewarding.

We’re also proud to be part of a growing craft beer movement that values quality, creativity, and sustainability.

* Any awards?

Yes, we’ve been fortunate to receive several awards over the years. We’ve won accolades for our craft beers, including the SIBA Gold Winner for the UK’s Best Pale Ale and we’ve also been recognised for our contributions to the local community.

These awards mean a lot to us, as they reflect the hard work and dedication of our entire team.

* Amity, Sunny Bank Mills, Festoon and Mending Rooms, 83-85 Town Street, Farsley. Visit or call 07572 953655.