INVESTIGATIONS are underway to find the cause of two accidents at a playground in Bradford in which two children and a dad were injured.

Kompan Ltd, the Danish manufacturer of play equipment at Lister Park, Manningham, has apologised to the families - and Bradford Council has closed two rides while the probe takes place.

The company has pledged to do its "utmost to get to the bottom of the causes of these incidents" and says it will take extra precautions if the conclusion of the investigation calls for it.

In June, Saidur Rahman injured his back and his 18-month-old daughter suffered bruising when the frame of the swing they were riding on snapped, sending his daughter flying in the air, he said.

Fortunately, her dad cushioned her fall – but the remains of the swing landed on top of her. They both received hospital treatment, he added.

And this month, a 15-year-old boy fractured his back when the zip wire at the park broke, sending him crashing into the structure of the ride. 

The zip wire in Lister ParkThe zip wire in Lister Park (Image: Newsquest)

Saidur has warned families to be cautious when using playgrounds.

“It’s only a matter of time before something worse happens. I don’t want to think about it,” he said.

“It’s a new park but someone needs to physically inspect it.”

Saidur and his daughter were using a swing designed for parents and toddlers. “We were swinging away at about three feet in the air and the whole frame just broke and snapped off on us,” he said.

“I landed on my back, and my daughter - she landed on her face, and the swing landed on top of us. She had a bruise on her cheek and a bruise on her forehead. We had to go to A&E.”

Saidur had to take time off work for his back injury and his daughter recovered, but he has warned other parents to be cautious when using play equipment.

Details of the ‘you and me’ swing seat, manufactured by Kompan Ltd, appear on the company’s website. The galvanised steel frame carries a lifetime warranty.

The swingThe swing (Image: Supplied)

Saidur said his solicitor is making a claim for compensation from Kompan Ltd, but he said “that’s not what this is about” and he is worried something could happen to another family.

“It was a busy Saturday afternoon when it happened, and when it broke and we fell, everyone was just shocked. At first I thought I had swung too high and that was why my daughter fell out. I was dazed for a while but when I got up and looked, I saw the way the swing broke. The chains were still intact, but the frame broke at the stress points. 

“Bradford Council said it was a brand new swing and had been regularly checked. But the swing - where it broke from - it should not have broken from there. 

“I have spoken to Kompan and they have sent the swing off to Denmark for investigation and they will be in touch, hopefully by the middle of September."

Pointing to the zip wire incident, he added: "That’s two now in the matter of three months.  

“I am grateful the way it happened - my daughter was in the air and my back was towards the ground. If it was the other way around, if I was up in the air and my daughter was towards the ground, if it did break that way, I would have landed on my daughter and the injuries would have been much worse."

He has seen the same swing in other parks, such as in Ilkley

“We are careful now when we use equipment," he said.

Inge Østergaard Jørgensen, chief marketing officer at Kompan, said: “I’m very sorry to hear about the incidents with the zip wire and the swing at Lister Park. We wish the playground users a speedy recovery.

“We are conducting a technical investigation in collaboration with Bradford Council to determine the cause of the incidents. We expect to reach a conclusion before the end of September.

“Both products have been part of our product range for many years. Kompan’s purpose is to help our customers create healthier and happier communities. We strive hard to deliver the best play and fitness solutions that provide outstanding performance on all parameters. 

“The equipment at Lister Park is certified as compliant with the European safety standard for playground equipment. However, we will do our utmost to get to the bottom of the causes of these incidents and take additional precautions if the conclusion of our investigation calls for it.” 

 The play equipment at Lister Park was replaced in 2021 at a cost of £650,000.

The Telegraph & Argus has asked Bradford Council for comment.