A NEW bus station may still be needed in Bradford city centre – even if the existing Bradford Interchange does re-open.

A new report by West Yorkshire Combined Authority acknowledges that even if the 1970s bus station is deemed safe to re-open, “it may only have a finite operational lifespan remaining.”

The Authority’s Transport Committee will meet on Wednesday afternoon, and members from across West Yorkshire will be given an update on satisfaction of bus services in the region.

They will also get a brief update on Bradford Interchange – the bus station in the Interchange has been shut for safety reasons since January.

The future of the Interchange will be revealed next month – when transport bosses will disclose the results of exhaustive surveys of the station.

These results will determine whether the bus station can be repaired or if it needs to be demolished and replaced.

Transport officers have previously said the station – built in the 1970s, was "reaching the end of its expected 50-year lifespan."

The bus station was closed after a lump of concrete fell from the structure into an underground car parking area.

The Combined Authority, which owns and operates the station, has previously said a temporary station would be in place for Bradford’s year as City of Culture – which begins in just a few months.

The report to Wednesday’s Transport Committee says the closure of the Interchange, which has meant passengers now wait for buses at stops spread out across the city centre, had led to a drop in bus passenger satisfaction in the past year.

It adds: “The Interchange remains closed while surveys are ongoing to inform a decision that can be taken on next steps –either a permanent closure, partial reopening or full reopening. The options will be presented to the September meeting of the Combined Authority.

“The Combined Authority recognise the need to continue to invest in Bradford Interchange and in supporting bus passengers in Bradford while a long-term solution is found.

“Work is currently underway to re-open the lower passenger concourse ahead of 2025 City of Culture to provide improved rail station access, as well as to develop an alternative bus station facility for a potential eventuality that the bus station does not reopen, or that it may only have a finite operational lifespan remaining.”

It says there will be a “significant” amount of work in the coming weeks to improve passenger satisfaction, including the creation of a new plaza in front of the Interchange.

There will also be the “Inception of project to develop an alternative bus station facility in Central Bradford.”

The Committee meets in Wellington House in Leeds at 2pm.