A FAMILY has paid tribute to their son who died recently and described him as the “kindest person” who loved skateboarding.

Sean Barber, from Bradford, died aged 23 on August 11.

Mark Hewson, Sean’s step-dad, said on behalf of the whole family, including mum Clare Hewson and dad Phillip Barber: “We’re just in shock – shock and numb.”

He added that Sean was: “The kindest, most helpful, loving person you could ever meet.

“He loved his family, loved his friends, little brother, mum.

“If you needed help with something, Sean was the first one to help, no matter what it was.”

Sean BarberSean Barber (Image: UGC)

Clare Hewson, Sean’s mum, said: “Sean was like a whirlwind, when he came into a room everyone knew it and made everyone smile.”

The family had been on holiday together in Blackpool the week before Sean died.

Mark said: “He seemed fine.

“He did have certain mental health problems, which he was getting help with through the council’s mental health team, he’d been with them a few years.

“He seemed absolutely fine.

“I saw him the day before, my wife saw him on the morning, giving his mum a cuddle, told her he loved her, and said he was going for a walk.”

Sean was the older brother of Leah Barber, who died aged 15 in June 2019.

Assistant Coroner Raja Mahmood ruled that the teenager’s death had come about by suicide after an inquest concluded at Bradford Coroners’ Court on April 28 last year.

Mark said Sean spent three years at college to become a qualified carpenter but struggled after Leah’s death.

He added: “They could not have been closer, they were a typical brother and sister.”

The family unit is tight-knit and Phillip stayed with Mark and Clare in the week following Sean’s death.

Mark wanted to give a message to anyone dealing with mental health issues.

He said: “If you’re struggling, talk to someone – whether it’s a friend, family, stranger.

“If you’re a male like Sean, go somewhere like Andy’s Man Club, something like that – sit there and listen so you know you’re not on your own.

“Lots of Sean’s friends have been messaging me because they’re really struggling.”

He added: “Sean probably had so many more caring about him that he didn’t know about.”

That is exemplified in the number of people who have come together to honour Sean’s memory, as well as to raise money towards his funeral.

A total of £2,260 has been raised at the time of writing on a GoFundMe page set up by Guardian Funeralcare to help “bring Sean to rest beside his sister Leah”.

Just over 100 people have said they will be attending a balloon release for Sean at 2.30pm on Saturday at the skate park in Roberts Park, Saltaire – one of Sean’s favourite spots.

Sean Barber with a Tony Hawk skateboard he won in a raffle competitionSean Barber with a Tony Hawk skateboard he won in a raffle competition (Image: UGC)

Mark said: “Sean loves skateboarding, he used to go skate at Roberts Park.”

He added: “As soon as it was nice weather, Sean was out on his skateboard.

“Even if it was cold, he was out with friends on his skateboard, he even went on his own.”

People have been encouraged to bring biodegradable balloons and to wear red, black, or “anything to suit Sean and the man he is”.

A music event has also been organised in memory of Sean and in aid of the Music Minds Matter charity.

That will take place at The Underground, in Bradford on September 6.

If you want to donate any money towards funeral costs, click this link.

Whatever you're going through, you can call the Samaritans free any time, from any phone, on 116 123.