Four talented students from Bradford Grammar School, who made the top ten in a national cybersecurity competition, have all achieved grade 7s and above in their Computer Science GCSE.

Ruqaiyah Ali, Eloise Baker, Fiona Luo, and Eliza Street, all 16, were thrilled with their results, with grade 7 being equivalent to an A grade.

The girls recently participated in the Girls’ final of the national cybersecurity competition, CyberCenturion.

The competition was hosted by the National Cyber Security Centre, which encourages girls to explore their abilities in technology and consider a career in cybersecurity.

Eloise, of Bingley, achieved six 8s and four 7s.

She said: "I’m feeling very proud today, especially with my 8 in computing.

"The school’s supported me since I joined in Year 7 and I’m really looking forward to continuing my passion for STEM subjects by remaining studying Computing alongside Business and German."

Ruqaiyah, from Bradford, achieved six 9s, three 8s, and one 7.

She said: "I was really surprised with my grades and didn’t think I’d do as well as I have.

"I’ve really enjoyed my time at Bradford Grammar School and love the extra-curricular opportunities, such as computer science competitions.

"The CyberCenturion is definitely the highlight of my time at BGS!"

Fiona, of Eldwick, secured ten 9s and one 8.

She said: "I feel very proud of myself and all of the hard work has paid off.

"I’m excited to progress my skills further at A Level by studying Biology, Chemistry, and Maths alongside English."

Eliza, of Menston, achieved 9s across the board in her GCSEs.

She said: "I was so nervous to open my envelope but I’m so relieved and very proud.

"Doing the Cyber competition has been challenging during GCSEs as we’ve had to miss lessons, but it was amazing to experience life outside of the curriculum.

"The teachers and the whole experience as a collective made me want to stay at BGS for my A Levels.

"I’m excited to start studying Physics, Maths, Further Maths, and Religious Studies."

More information about CyberCenturion is available at