A MUM’S debut book that provides practical help for families with autistic children has become a bestseller in its first week of sales.

Your Safe Space, by Bradford mum of three Jo Gaunt, is topping the Amazon sales charts in multiple categories, selling 250 copies in its first week.

The book focuses on understanding a child’s unique experience of being autistic, offering a glimmer of hope to exhausted parents.

Jo said: “The last week has just been incredible. I’m overwhelmed and amazed. The aim of writing this book was to get it in the hands of as many families as possible - to help the families out there that need this support. 

“To know that so many families have put their trust in me to give them this support that so many families lack in that first instance, especially at the beginning of their journey, and that so many people have bought the book, and it’s gone straight to number one, is just incredible.”

Your Safe Space by Jo GauntYour Safe Space by Jo Gaunt (Image: Jo Gaunt)

Jo was working with families as a coach but has had to pause that work to help her own children, who have suffered problems at school.

She runs a parental community in Bradford called Breathe once a month which gives parents the chance to get together with others who understand each other. These meetings, which she started four years ago, inspired her to write the book.

“Knowing that my advice helps parents in the way that it does is what steered me to write the book," she said.

"At the beginning of my journey I was so lonely. Even with all my professional knowledge, I had nobody to support me as a parent, and the one thing I want no other parent to feel, is as alone as I felt. The parental community really helps with that.”

Jo says that the feedback from the book has been so positive that she may write a follow-up.

“The feedback is just phenomenal. So many parents are describing it as ‘a warm hug’, and they are relating so much to the journey that we’ve been on. The advice that’s given in the book, everyone is finding it to be practical and sustainable. I can’t say that I won’t write another book.

“We can’t afford to shy away from addressing the stigma and challenges that come with advocating for autistic children.

"Your Safe Space is the book I wish I’d had to navigate our journey as a family and I hope it helps individuals who are struggling but need to feel empowered to find what is best for their family. It is about enabling them to not just survive but to thrive.” 

Jo has a degree in autism and more than 20 years’ experience working alongside autistic young people in mainstream schools, specialist settings, and homes. 

For more information, see www.jogaunt.com