A POPULAR playground ride has been closed for investigation after a family said it injured their teenage son.

The family says their son, who has autism, suffered a fractured spine when the zip wire he was playing on in Lister Park broke, sending him crashing into the ride’s metal frame – just three years after the playground received a £650,000 revamp.

“My son went crashing into the metal frame of the zip wire ride at Lister Park in Bradford after it snapped,” said the boy’s mum.

"My son has two fractures on his spine and a lot of internal bruising. He's been in so much pain.”

The zip wire The zip wire (Image: Newsquest)

A spokesperson for Bradford Council, which owns the park, said: “We're very sorry to hear about anyone being injured on our play equipment and have spoken to the boy’s family. We wish him a speedy recovery.

“Our equipment is regularly inspected and our play maintenance team has already completed the initial accident reporting procedure. The equipment manufacturers and installers have also been notified."

Bradford Council said the zip wire was isolated immediately to prevent anyone from using it until investigations started and it will remain isolated until further notice.

The spokesperson added that the play equipment is checked quarterly and annually by independent qualified play inspectors and on a more regular basis by parks and play maintenance operatives.

The equipment will remain isolated until sufficient guidance is sought to allow the equipment to be recommissioned in the future following the incident, said the council.

The revamped play facilities at Lister Park were officially opened in June 2021 after the completion of a £650,000 refurbishment project.

Until three years ago, the play facilities at Lister Park had received no major investment for two decades, and so was chosen as the first play area to benefit from investment by Bradford Council.