MORE than £10,000 in fines have been issued in the past two years in a crackdown on illegal street racing on Bradford’s Euroway Trading Estate.

Bradford Council will now use that money raised to purchase software that will provide a "far more efficient enforcement solution".

Star Traq will automate a significant portion of the administration involved in the enforcement of the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO).

Councillor Matt Edwards (Green, Tong) welcomed the news.

He told the Telegraph & Argus: "It's really reassuring that the Council is continuing to take the issue of illegal street racing in Euroways seriously - the sheer volume of fines issued shows how serious the problem was.

"Having spent a lot of time with the anti-social behaviour team to try and get this right, I'm pleased to see this money has been reinvested in a computer system that will make the process of issuing fines quicker and easier - freeing up the team to do more work identifying dangerous driving.

"We know there is a big issue in Bradford with anti-social use of cars and I'm hopeful this investment will mean more areas can be patrolled so we can make our city safer."

Cllr Edwards believes the new computer system will allow for more work identifying dangerous driving elsewhere.Cllr Edwards believes the new computer system will allow for more work identifying dangerous driving elsewhere. (Image: Newsquest)

It comes after Cllr Edwards submitted the following written question ahead of a full council meeting. 

"Residents on Rockhill Lane have been having to endure persistent, illegal street racing for many years," he said. 

"Following repeated requests from Tong Ward’s Green Party councillors, regular enforcement action is now taking place resulting in fines and in some cases court action.

"Can the portfolio holder confirm how much has been raised from fines in this location and whether the proceeds could be used to fund improvements to the road to deter illegal street racing once and for all?"

In response to Cllr Edwards' question, Bradford Council said: "Over the past two years we have raised over £10,000 in fines for breach of the PSPO on the Euroway Trading Estate.

"The monies raised are being used to purchase a software solution called Star Traq which will automate a significant portion of the administration involved in PSPO enforcement.

"This will provide a far more efficient enforcement solution which will be of benefit to the entire district with the aim that all roads across the district will become safer in line with the Vision Zero Strategy.

"Should the investment in this software lead to further revenue, consideration could be given to investing in improvements to hotspot areas such as that highlighted here."