OPPOSITION is growing to controversial plans for a massive wind farm on moorland bordering Bronte country.

Campaigners say the planned 65-turbine development on Walshaw Moor, between Stanbury and Hebden Bridge, would have a huge environmental and visual impact.

Objectors include the Haworth-based Bronte Society. It fears the project would ruin the landscape for millions of people from across the world who visit to experience the surroundings that inspired the literary siblings and see ruined farmhouse Top Withens, reputedly the inspiration for the setting of Wuthering Heights.

Also opposing the scheme is Keighley MP Robbie Moore.

He says: "I'm extremely concerned about this proposal to build what would be the largest onshore wind farm in England on historic land spanning over 2,352 hectares of protected peatland.

"Whilst we all recognise the need to increase energy production, it must be properly balanced with environmental preservation. Peatlands are crucial carbon stores.

"Furthermore, constructing 65 turbines – each up to 200 metres high – on protected peatland will be highly disruptive, involving 45,000 truckloads of limestone from North Yorkshire passing through Keighley, Ingrow, Cross Roads and Oxenhope. This massive construction effort will no doubt cause significant issues to residents.

"Whilst in Government, the Conservatives rightly placed a moratorium on onshore wind farms to protect our precious landscapes. It is worrying to see Labour now lift this moratorium and loosen National Planning Policy Framework rules.

"I will be vocal in opposing this project in Parliament.

"The Government must provide clear guidelines that exclude protected peatland as suitable sites for wind farms."

Mr Moore will be amongst those speaking at a public meeting to discuss the scheme, at the Old School Room, Haworth, on Thursday, September 5, at 7pm.

Other speakers will include author and conservationist Mark Avery and campaigner Nick MacKinnon, who has written a series of blogs at markavery.info/blog/archived-blog-posts/walshaw-turbines

The event is free to attend, but people are asked to register at eventbrite.com/e/public-meeting-about-the-planned-calderdale-wind-farm-on-walshaw-moor-with-mark-avery-tickets-971099543877

More about the campaign can be found at saverestorewalshawmoor.wordpress.com

Behind the scheme is Calderdale Wind Farm Ltd.

The company, which is backed by Worldwide Renewable Energy, describes the scheme as an "incredibly exciting opportunity".

It says the wind farm would generate enough renewable electricity to power 286,491 homes per year, saving 426,241 tonnes of carbon dioxide annually when compared to fossil-fuel electricity generation.

The company states any potential risks to wildlife will be assessed as part of an environmental impact assessment process.

It adds that there is a commitment to planting 300,000 trees across the estate.