THE MAJORITY of Bank Street – one of the best-known thoroughfares in Bradford city centre – has now been opened up as the major works in this area near completion.

Works are continuing in a small section near to the Skipton Building Society building, with some fencing currently in place where new trees will be planted.

Providing a weekly update on the city centre Walking and Cycling Improvements, project bosses said: "The majority of the newly pedestrianised road has been opened up to the public."

More new paving on Market Street continued to be laid down this week, and more planters have been installed on Bank Street, Bridge Street and Broadway.

Meanwhile, works on the pedestrianised section of Hall Ings continued this week to make way for new kerbing to be installed. A major new public space is to be created in this area between Bridge Street and the former Jacob's Well roundabout.

Works at the former Jacob's Well roundabout also made further progress this week, and on Monday, August 12, the new super crossing will be opened up to pedestrians and cyclists.

In Well Street and Vicar Lane, the impact of severe flooding earlier this year is continuing to have a knock-on effect.

Clockwise from top left: Planting areas for new trees are being prepared on Bank Street, with small fences put up; new paving laid on Bridge Street in front of Bradford City Hall; and an image of Bank Street where the majority of the newly pedestrianised road has been opened up to the public.Clockwise from top left: Planting areas for new trees are being prepared on Bank Street, with small fences put up; new paving laid on Bridge Street in front of Bradford City Hall; and an image of Bank Street where the majority of the newly pedestrianised road has been opened up to the public

The update from project bosses said: "Some minor repair works will be taking place on Thursday 15 August and Friday 16 August at the Well Street and Vicar Lane junction.

"Earlier this year, flooding in the area caused by bad weather had damaged sections of the road surfaces. "Some immediate repair works took place which replaced the damaged surfaces. These further remedial works will involve a small amount of new paving being laid at the junction.

"This work will all take place during the day, so there is not expected to be any disruption overnight.

People are reminded that temporary pedestrian crossings have been opened across the city centre in places where works are happening.

"Please note that from this week, the pedestrian route on the south side of Hall Ings has been temporarily diverted to the north side of Hall Ings to allow work on the new footway to continue between the junctions with Vicar Lane and Drake Street," the update added.

The works have proved controversial, with residents criticising the level of disruption. Bus passengers have been especially disgruntled, saying the city centre works have coincided with the Interchange problems to create confusion for passengers.

But those behind the walking and cycling improvements, including Bradford Council and West Yorkshire Combined Authority, insist the works will make the city centre a much more pleasant place to visit for decades to come.