A WOMAN has been convicted after saying the "battery died" on her phone when asked for her train ticket.

Kausar Mumtaz, 25, of Hopbine Avenue, in West Bowling, Bradford, was found guilty of failing or refusing to hand over a valid ticket not in a designated compulsory ticket area, at Manchester Magistrates' Court last Friday.

The 25-year-old had already made the journey from Bradford Interchange to Manchester Victoria Station on February 28 this year, when she was asked to show a ticket. 

She was unable to do so.

Court records said: "When questioned she stated that the battery had died on her phone.

"Her details were obtained and she was advised the facts would be reported."

A letter was sent to Mumtaz, which requested an explanation.

There was no response and a Fix Penalty letter was sent but this remains unpaid, according to court records.

Mumtaz avoided a £16.70 fare but now has been ordered to pay £474 in total.

This includes a £220 fine, compensation of £16.70, a surcharge of £88 to fund victim services, and £150 in costs.