THE re-development of a derelict city centre building has been awarded the extra cash needed for the scheme to progress.

Plans to convert 28-32 Canal Road, a warehouse building first constructed in the 1880s, into apartments date back several years.

The most recent proposal, dubbed Canal 30, would see the building converted into 70 flats.

It had been awarded funding from West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Brownfield Housing Fund, which was set up to help develop cost-prohibitive housing schemes.

The authority had originally agreed to provide Charles Bambage Ltd with £1.6m.

At a meeting of the Combined Authority last month members heard that costs of the development have risen, and the scheme is now expected to cost £8.14m.

It would now require £1.84m from the Brownfield Housing Fund – an extra £240,000.

The extra funding was approved by councillors from across West Yorkshire.

Work is expected to begin later this year, and end in late 2025.

At the same meeting, members agreed to provide £1.6m of funding towards the Wakefield Civic Quarter development, which will see the regeneration of the old police station and the development of 63 homes.