A TOTAL of three staff members employed by a bus company in Bradford have now been suspended over social media posts, it has been confirmed. 

"Serious concerns" were raised with First on the social media site X on Sunday night.

The company is currently investigating.

Yesterday, the Telegraph & Argus reported that a First bus driver in Bradford had been suspended.

Screenshots appeared to show the driver shared a post on his Facebook page from another account on the social networking site. 

The post, which has been seen by the T&A, apparently depicts anti-Muslim sentiment with the words "enough is enough".

Another First staff member based in Bradford also appeared to share the same post on Facebook.

And a third First staff member based in Bradford appeared to share a post from a Facebook page which contrasted cuts to winter fuel payments with funding given to immigrant communities.

A First spokesperson told the T&A today: "We can confirm we have been made aware of social media posts by three staff members.

"They have been suspended pending an investigation."

In response to the concerns, First posted on X: "We take the safety of our passengers seriously, our internal team has been made aware of this and this would be investigated internally."