A serial domestic abuser with “an appalling record” for stalking, harassing, and threatening the women in his life has been handed a two-year jail term for breaching a non-molestation order from prison.

Sentencing Ian Bailey at Bradford Crown Court, Miss Recorder Aisha Wadoodi told him: “Your record is one probably of the worst I have seen in relation to ex-partners.

“It has everything: threats to kill, breach of orders, disclosing sexual photographs, and it seems that whatever happens to you in the criminal justice system, you simply don’t care.

“You don’t have any regard for the orders or the women you have had relationships with. You’re happy to threaten them, and repeatedly.”

The court heard how Bailey, 32, formerly of Birch Street in West Bowling, had been remanded into custody on February 20 for harassment following a domestic incident in which he made abusive and threatening phone calls to his ex-partner.

Three weeks later, on March 14, he rang from a prison phone in HMP Doncaster knowing that calls were recorded and told friends of the former partner that he was going to kill her.

Ian BaileyIan Bailey (Image: Police)

That call and the threats made within it put Bailey in breach of a non-molestation order made on February 20.

In April he was handed a 26-week sentence and made the subject of a restraining order.

His threats of violence prompted the victim to move house due to the fear of Bailey knowing where she lived and the distress it was causing to her and her children.

She said he had made her feel “vulnerable” and scared to leave her home.

In a statement read to the court, the victim said: “I live in fear every day as I fear that he will get out and actually kill me, as I believe he is capable of doing this.

“Bailey told me that he would change. He told me that he was sorry. He begged for my forgiveness. And when I would forgive him, he would continue with his frightful behaviour and abuse. How is any of this fair? I am scared for mine and my children’s lives.”

Prosecuting, Zarreen Alam-Cheetham said Bailey, who appeared via video link from HMP Humber, had previously sent racially abusive messages to another former partner, which also included threats: “I will happily slap you. I will damage you. I will batter you up and down the street. Your house will get smashed.”

He also posted intimate photographs on social media and throughout that relationship made “numerous threats” to kill the victim and showing her a picture of a gun.

The court heard that Bailey had a lengthy string of convictions including for stalking, harassment, possession of a bladed article, making threats to kill, sending malicious communications, breaching non-molestation orders, racially aggravated harassment, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, and disclosing private photographs.

Mitigating, Saf Salam said Bailey had been released on May 20 after serving 67 days in custody for harassment but was then re-arrested at the gates of the prison in connection with what he called “a deliberate breach”.

He said: “Overall the defendant’s offending seems to be when the relationship breaks down. His bark seems to be worse than his bite and it’s the threats and the comments that he makes rather than because he is facing them and perhaps causing them serious physical violence.

“But I do accept, again, that there is physical violence that he has been convicted of recorded against him.”

In sentencing Bailey Recorder Wadoodi said: “You have an appalling record in relation to how you treat women you’ve been in a relationship with.

“Your language, the threats you’ve made to other women … are, to put it mildly, vile, and no doubt extremely frightening to the women who received those threats.”