AN owner has explained why his cafe has closed after 12 years.

Re-fuel Cafe, of Victoria Road in Guiseley, shut its doors last week following over a decade of trade.

Owner Andy Macmillan told the Telegraph & Argus he felt it was the right time to move on.

The financial instability of the industry was a big reason for this.

Mr Macmillan said: "My income needed to be a bit more stable.

"One week you could be absolutely mental then the next week it would be absolutely dead. It was just a bit up and down.

"I spoke to other cafe owners and it is exactly the same. You just can't gauge it.

"Before Covid, you knew Friday and Saturdays would be mental.

"There is also so much competition in Guiseley too."

The now-former cafe owner was keen to thank his loyal customer base who have stuck with the business down the years.

Mr Macmillan also wanted to make mention of his staff with one member in particularly being there since the start.

He said: "Our customers have been really nice.

"It is sad. I have been there for 12 years. You get to know the customers, usually by face not name.

"You'll see them in Morrisons and give them a nod and know that's poached eggs, no butter on brown bread. It is strange (laughs).

"We were a traditional cafe. The breakfasts were always the biggest seller. We would rarely ever get complaints about them."

He added: "It is a mixture of emotions. I have got two kids now so staying at home is great.

"I will miss the Saturdays though because you get the same people in every week and you build that bond with them.

"I won't miss going home stinking of fryers. Everything smells. That was the first thing I did, get shut of all those clothes.

"We have had around 50 Saturday workers over the years, kids that have come in to build confidence.

"From hiding at the back of the kitchen to speaking to customers and taking orders."

A post on the cafe's Facebook page read: "Unfortunately, we have now closed for good."

It added: "I want to thank everyone who has ever visited us over the past 12 years and helped us through difficult times, but I want to really say thank you to Jan. 

"The cafe wouldn't have been anything without her."