POLICE have issued some important tips to keep burglars out of your home this summer.

West Yorkshire Police said sneak-in burglars try to take advantage of the warm weather by entering open windows and doors.

Therefore, they have told the public to keep doors locked when inside and windows shut once you have left the property.

It is also advised valuable items are out of sight and reach of burglars.

A post on the West Yorkshire Police Facebook pages said: "Sneak-in burglars will take advantage of the warm weather by entering your home through open doors and windows.

"Keep any unattended windows or doors locked.

"Many people will have their windows open during the warm weather, but make sure you keep valuables out of sight and out of reach of burglars.

"Even though its warm outside, make sure your home is secure by locking doors and windows and making sure your locks are up to standard.

"We often see an increase in sneak-in burglaries when the weather gets warmer.

"Keep your doors locked, even if you’re in, and close your windows when you go out."