MORE people in Bradford are living with depression since the Covid pandemic, statistics show.

New figures from Public Health England reveal there were 66,012 adults in Bradford with depression in 2022-23, making up 13.7 per cent of adults in the area registered with a GP.

This was a slight increase on the year before, when it was 13.2 per cent, and more than in 2019-20, before the Covid pandemic, when it was 12.1 per cent.

The statistics are based on unresolved diagnoses of depression as recorded on patients' GP records since April 2006.

They do not account for those suffering with the condition but still waiting for a formal diagnosis.

A spokesperson for Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership said: "We recognise the impact mental ill health can have on people's lives as well as understanding that we need to continue to do more to tackle any remaining stigma around emotional health and well-being.

"It is assuring that more people are coming forward to seek help, which demonstrates that we are doing better at encouraging people to recognise their symptoms and look for support.

"We want to make it as easy as possible for people to access help as quickly as possible.

"We do recognise that we are experiencing high levels of demand across all health services, but we want to reassure people we are here for you."

The Public Health England statistics show more than 6.6 million people in England were living with depression in 2022-23, the highest figure since records began in 2012.

Jeremy Bernhaut, head of policy and influencing at Rethink Mental Illness, said depression can have a "devastating" effect - and quick access to treatment was "essential to enable recovery".

However, he added it could be an "encouraging sign" more people now recognise the symptoms and are seeking help for mental health issues.

A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said: "We will fix the broken system we have inherited to ensure we give mental health the same attention and focus as physical health."

The Government plans to recruit 8,500 new mental health workers and provide specialist support in every school.

The spokesperson added: "We will go further than ever to prioritise mental health and that starts with updating the Mental Health Act to ensure that care is appropriate, proportionate and compassionate."

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