A DRIVER was caught speeding at nearly 50mph in a 30mph zone in Bradford.

A PCSO from the Bradford West division of West Yorkshire Police carried out speed checks on Baldwin Lane, Clayton, last Thursday.

The force said eight drivers were caught doing 35mph in the space of half an hour.

One driver was speeding at 46mph.

The check was part of the Speed Watch scheme.

This is an initiative where members of the public can let police know about locations where they are concerned about speeding.

A West Yorkshire Police spokesperson said: "We'll assess the location and, if we think it's a good and safe place for monitoring to happen, trained members of the community will visit the location to record the details of offending vehicles.

"Anyone caught speeding will be sent a letter from us informing them of their offence.

"We also monitor the data so we can take action against repeat offenders or those severely breaking the speed limit."