A FAMILY of three mountain bikers had to be rescued on Wednesday from the Fountains Fell and Darnbrook Fell area of the Yorkshire Dales as it started to get dark.

A spokesperson for Grassington-based Upper Wharfedale Fell Rescue Association (UWFRA) said: "We were tasked by North Yorkshire Police to locate a family of three who had been out mountain biking all day, but nearing the end of their adventure found themselves off course, and with light fading were unsure of their location.

"With the help of their mobile phone we were able to pinpoint the trio and maintained communications with them to reassure them help was on the way.

"The team vehicles managed to drive up to the shooting hut near Cherry Tree pot hole where from there all parties had visibility of each other. The three were then escorted from the fell and onwards with their bikes, back to their accommodation. We wish the adventurers well and hope they continue to enjoy the great outdoors."