TWO yobs caught riding dirt bikes across Bradford’s City Park have pleaded guilty to several offences.

The incident unfolded on April 30 this year as children paddled in the popular Mirror Pool.

The Telegraph & Argus captured footage of the pair riding the unregistered bikes across City Park, which often draws large crowds on sunny days.

At the time, one onlooker told the Telegraph & Argus: "I was saddened, I was really saddened by it.

"It's always the same way isn't it, it's such a shame when yobs ruin such a good afternoon for people enjoying the weather."

The bikes were ridden across City ParkThe bikes were ridden across City Park (Image: Telegraph & Argus)

Large crowds of people were enjoying the weather in the city centre when the yobbish behaviour unfolded.

On multiple occasions, the riders were near members of the public, including children.

A 17-year-old male who cannot be named for legal reasons and Abdul Khan, 21, of Sandford Road, Bradford, both pleaded guilty at Bradford and Keighley Magistrates’ Court this week to the following offences:

• Driving a motor vehicle dangerously

• Using a motor vehicle on a road/public place without third-party insurance

• Driving a motor vehicle otherwise than in accordance with a licence

• Riding a motorcycle on a road and failing to wear protective headgear

Khan was sentenced by the courts to 12-month disqualification, 80 hours of unpaid work and a rehabilitation order.

The 17-year-old has been bailed by the courts to be sentenced on September 16.

Sergeant Jamie Wilkinson, from Bradford District Steerside Enforcement Team, said: “We welcome the guilty pleas in court, Operation Steerside are committed to tackling the use of anti-social off road riding and we will continue to commit our resources into tackling such behaviour.

“My team are dedicated to making the roads of Bradford District safer and we will always take positive action against people committing driving offences.”

Anyone who has any information and anti-social driving you can report it via 101 or online at or via the Op Snap portal here