A MANNINGHAM councillor has hit out at proposals to limit car traffic on Manningham Lane, calling it a “crazy plan.”

And further criticism has come from the former Shipley MP, who said the proposals were “utterly bonkers.”

West Yorkshire Combined Authority recently began a consultation into its Bradford to Shipley Road Improvement Scheme.

Its aim is to encourage car and HGV traffic travelling between Shipley and Bradford to use Valley Road and Canal Road.

Public transport, walking and cycling would be prioritised along Manningham Lane.

As part of this, a new “bus gate” has been proposed for Manningham Lane, between Spring Bank Place and the junction with Queens Road.

It would prevent private cars from travelling north through this stretch of Manningham Lane towards Shipley. Motorists would also be banned from turning right from Queens Road onto Manningham Lane.

Drivers travelling North would instead have to take alternative routes to avoid the bus gate and re-join Manningham Lane.

It will not affect drivers travelling south from Shipley to Bradford, and the consultation says drivers would still be able to access businesses on the busy street.

Members of the public are able to have their say on the plans, by Bradford Council and WYCA, until August 18.

Newly elected Manningham Councillor Muhammed Ali Islam (independent) criticised the proposals, saying they gave “very little consideration for all the businesses on Manningham Lane.”

Cllr Islam added: “Many residents feel that they are being betrayed by the Council, and some residents can’t figure out how the Council has come up with such a crazy plan.

“The proposed measures divert a lot more traffic and congestion to other routes which are already gridlocked and heavily congested, it just shows they have not thought this through.”

Former Shipley MP Sir Philip Davies, who lost his seat earlier this month, also criticised the plans. He said: “I hope Bradford Council back down on their latest ludicrous plans to ban cars along Manningham Lane which is utterly bonkers even by their standards.”

Councillor Safina Kauser (Lab, Manningham) pointed out that the proposal is only in an outline form, and urged anyone in the area to have their say through the consultation.

She said: “I welcome any proposed investment and improvements into Manningham that helps make our roads safer and improves public transport.

“I know residents will be keen to know how the proposals could affect them, I would like to take this opportunity to reassure all residents of Manningham that this consultation is here to outline the scheme and hear their feedback.

"As their local councillor I will be asking questions around the scheme and its impact for both local residents and businesses in Manningham. I’ll also be encouraging everyone to take part in the consultation so council officers can address issues raised by the residents of Manningham as the scheme is developed.”

To have your say on the consultation visit https://www.yourvoice.westyorks-ca.gov.uk/bradfordshipley