A PROFESSOR holding an honorary doctorate from Bradford University is spearheading a partnership to improve healthcare equality in Northern Ireland.

Mahendra Patel OBE is heading up a partnership between the University of Oxford's Centre for Research Equity, of which he is the director, and the Health and Social Care Research and Development (HSC R&D) Division in Northern Ireland.

The partnership focuses on improving health outcomes and reducing disparities across Northern Ireland.

It is backed by the Department of Health Northern Ireland and by health and social care agencies.

The partnership was launched at an event in the Parliament Buildings at the Stormont Estate in Belfast, by the Northern Ireland Minister for Health, Mike Nesbitt. 

Mr Patel said: "We want to ensure that research outcomes are applicable, safe and beneficial to all and not just the majority, and that starts with listening to and engaging with the very people we serve, especially including those who are often disproportionately affected by poorer health and health outcomes."

Professor Patel was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Bradford in July 2023, and an OBE in the 2021 New Year’s Honours for services to pharmacy.

He played a role in an award-winning team undertaking clinical trials in primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic.