BRADFORD residents are being asked for their opinion on the city centre – from regeneration schemes to the future of Little Germany.

Bradford Civic Society is calling on residents, businesses, and visitors to share their views on the city centre's fortunes as part of a project to mark more of its heritage.

The society, which is dedicated to maintaining the city’s heritage, is supporting a lottery-funded project to attract more visitors to the Little Germany area and will be making recommendations about how to celebrate more of its unique heritage.

This area of the city is famous for its high density of listed Victorian buildings, dating back to the time Bradford was a world leader in the wool trade.

Its period buildings have made it a popular destination for film crews – with major productions having been filmed there recently.

But in recent years the area has also been blighted by empty units and high-density residential conversions.

There are also several prominent, derelict properties.

As part of the project, the Civic Society wants to hear more about people's recent experiences when using the city centre or engaging with its heritage. It has produced a short survey.

It asks what visitors to the city centre think of recent regeneration schemes, and whether they find the centre safe and clean.

They are also asked what they think of the recent trend of building owners converting empty office space into flats.

The survey asks what types of developments people would like to see in Little Germany, be it office space, cultural attractions, bars and restaurants or a hotel.

A spokesperson for Bradford Civic Society said: "We want to help promote more of Bradford's heritage, but we need to understand how people are currently engaging with the city centre, and what things are important to them.

“Our quick survey, alongside some of the interviews we are conducting with local stakeholders, is an impartial and crucial part of the Civic Society's current research into the city centre."

To take part in the survey visit

“We particularly welcome the views of those interested in the future of Little Germany," the spokesperson added.

The Civic Society is also inviting members of the public to directly share their views, in confidence, by emailing

The results of the survey will be announced next month.