A MAN on his way back from Appleby Fair was arrested in a village near Skipton for being drunk and disorderly, heard Skipton Magistrates Court.

Jason Gorton was arrested in Gargrave early on June 14 after residents called police about a man in River Place who was drunk, and shouting and swearing.

Gorton, 48, told the court today (Friday) that he had not been drunk but was pleading guilty because he didn't want to have to come back to Skipton all the way from his home in Burnley.

The court heard police received a call at 7.45am on June 14 and arrived in Gargrave where they found Gorton 'under the influence, unsteady on his feet and smelling of alcohol'.

He refused to give his details and was arrested and taken to Harrogate Police Station. Officers were able to get his address from medication in his possession, the court was told.

Gorton, who was unrepresented in court, said: "I was not drunk, I was tending to someone's horse and was bringing it back.

"The policeman said what is your name. I said am I under arrest? he said no, so I said I don't need to give you my name then. Then he arrested me."

Gorton, of Girvan Grove, Burnley, eventually accepted the charge. He was given a 12- month conditional discharge with magistrates warning him if he offended again in the next year he could be sentenced again for the Gargrave offence as well as the new one.

He was also ordered to pay a surcharge of £26, but no costs were ordered.