PEOPLE are being urged to have their say over long-awaited planned improvements to a section of canal towpath.

A public consultation has been launched over the proposed upgrade of the two-mile stretch, alongside the Leeds & Liverpool Canal, between Silsden and Kildwick.

The £1.8 million scheme will include resurfacing, access improvements for pushchair users and people with mobility issues, widening of the towpath where possible and new signage.

Behind the consultation – which runs until August 21 – are the Canal & River Trust, Bradford and North Yorkshire councils and West Yorkshire Combined Authority.

Canal users, residents and businesses are being encouraged to give their views – go to

Funding for the project in North Yorkshire has been secured from the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority Net Zero Fund – sourced from the Government’s Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities – and in West Yorkshire from Active Travel England, with cash provided by the Department for Transport.

Mark Robinson, enterprise manager at the Canal & River Trust, says: "This section of towpath is well used by the local community, boaters and visitors, and we’re delighted that funding has been secured.

"As a charity it’s so important that we work with other organisations to keep our historic canals alive. This project is a fantastic example of how we can work together to make canals more welcoming and attractive.

"We strongly encourage people to take a look at the proposals and have their say."

Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw, Bradford Council’s executive member for regeneration, planning and transport, says: "I’m delighted to see things progressing. The Silsden to Kildwick section of the canal towpath is the last part to be properly upgraded in the region."

North Yorkshire Council’s executive member for highways and transport, Councillor Keane Duncan, says: "This is a fantastic project that will encourage more people to walk and cycle in the beautiful Yorkshire countryside."

Keighley MP Robbie Moore also urges people to give their views.

He says: "After much lobbying and many meetings with the Department for Transport, the funding announcement in March for the Silsden-Kildwick towpath was fantastic news.

"Living in Silsden, I know just how important the upgrades to this section of towpath are, encouraging more cycling and walking along our part of the Leeds & Liverpool Canal towpath and making it more accessible to all.

"I urge everyone to have their say on these proposals."

People can also view the plans at a drop-in event at Silsden Town Hall on Wednesday (July 31), between noon and 6pm. Staff from the Canal & River Trust will be present to answer any questions.