A YOUNG electrician came through a tough field to be named Apprentice of the Year.

Tommy Taylor (Mansfield Pollard) was up against Ella Baxter (Care Dynamics), Mohammed Safir (ACS) and Holly McLeod (Solenis).

Tommy spoke to the T&A about how a “reality check” at the age of 16 made him seek an apprenticeship.

“When I was 16, I had an unexpected child,” he said.

“I was at college at the time and it was a bit of a reality check. It was time to get into gear, start earning money and providing.”

It was at Mansfield-Pollard where he started as an apprentice and has excelled since.

“Soon as I went for my interview at Mansfield-Pollard, I quite liked the company,” Tommy added.

“I took a walk around and liked the way they operated. I saw the people there and thought they are my sort of people.

“Ever since, they have been great, looking after me in every aspect. Every part of my journey, I have had help throughout.

“I am grateful for where I am today. I am really close to being qualified. It is good to receive the recognition.”

Tommy pointed out what he enjoyed the most about the company.

“I love the people. I get on really well with my colleagues at work.

“I like being an electrician, working with my hands and feeling like I have achieved something at the end of the day.

“I would like to go up the levels. I feel education is so important and to do that in the career you love doing.”

A spokesperson for Mansfield-Pollard added: “Tommy exemplifies excellence and dedication, has infectious optimism, and demonstrates what young ambition can achieve.

“He consistently volunteers to represent Mansfield Pollard at various events and is a leader, having stepped forward to take a young labourer under his wing.

“Tommy’s line managers all praise his work ethos and is increasingly recognised for his ability to comprehend the broader business implications of manufacturing and spearhead impactful changes.”