AN internationally-successful food manufacturer is keen not to forget its Bradford roots after it was named Family Business of the Year.

Regal Foods, based in Wallis Street, managed to fend off competition from Adams Food Services and ICS to secure the coveted accolade, sponsored by The Broadway.

The company began life in 2001 by supplying a small selection of bakery products to grocery shops within the local area.

It soon created its own range of products, and by 2005 was embraced by its first major supermarket chain.

Alec Gladok, Marketing manager for Regal Foods Products Group, felt it was important to highlight how much of a family-run business Regal still is.

He said: “It is 100 per cent a family business through and through.

“It was started by our CEO Younis Chaudhry 20 years ago and the board of directors is still made up of the family which is massively important.

“They still have a huge influence and input on the business and oversee it on a day-to-day basis.

“Everyone who joins Regal, that ethos of being a family business is rooted throughout all of its employees.”

Now, the business manufactures and distributes more than 400 food and drinks products, not only throughout the UK to 3,000 plus retail outlets but around the world to more than 40 countries.

Regal has plans to develop a new fully-automated bakery line to help increase capacity and has already pumped in £5 million to upgrade its production capacity by 40 per cent.

Alec also wanted to mention the work the business does in the community.

He added: “It is a really grounded company, regardless of its multi-million-pound successes and international status.

“It has not forgotten its roots and its home here in Bradford.

“Yes we are known for producing great food and drink but we are also equally known for the work we do in and around Bradford with community initiatives and supporting charities.”