A TUTOR service has credited teamwork throughout the last 12 months as the reason behind it being named New Business of the Year.

It was a case of second time lucky for Sowing Seeds Tuition, who had been a finalist in this category at last year’s event.

The service, which focuses on those aged between five and 25, was also highly commended in 2023 in the Community Involvement section at the T&A’s Education Awards.

This small business, set up by Rachel Girling in July 2022 after she left a 17-year career in education, provides a range of tuition and bespoke programmes and initiatives to support children’s mental health and confidence, as well as re-engage children, young people, and families back into education.

After collecting the Joseph Parr sponsored-award, Rachel was keen to thank Stacey Williams for her help since coming on board.

She said: “We have been running for 20 months now and we have really grown over that time, having Stacey on board for the last year has really helped that.

“It has allowed us to grow because she has taken on a lot in terms of building relationships with families whilst I have been tutoring.

“It was so unexpected this award.”

Sowing Seeds Tuition was up against food giants International Restaurant and Marshall’s Bakehouse for the gong.

It meant Rachel felt her business were the “underdogs” in the category.

In her mind, it makes the achievement even more remarkable.

Rachel added: “We felt like we were the underdogs, we knew the competition was strong.

“We have invested a lot of time into our website and grown through recommendation. It is through that that we have seen the results for our children.

“Stacey has been helping during the daytime so when I have been tutoring, she has been the one steering the ship.

“We have grown from starting with just me and now we have 35 tutors.

“We are in the process of setting up an alternate provision school now with children who struggle with their mental health.

“There are lots of exciting things to come!”