TALENTED pupils at Bradford’s Co-op Academy Beckfield in Tyersal wowed audiences with a performance of the classic musical, Oliver! to mark the end of the school year.

The troupe of over 20 primary school children brought to life the story along with well-loved tunes such as 'Food, Glorious Food' and 'You've Got To Pick A Pocket Or Two'.

Headteacher Caroline Watkiss said: "We are incredibly proud of these children.

"They put their heart and soul into producing a magnificent show, which the audience absolutely loved!"

Reuben, who played Oliver, said: "I was so nervous before I went on, especially about singing my solo but then I nailed it!

"I loved doing the show."

While Oliver! may be a tough act to follow, staff at the school are excited to see their pupils' talents in future shows.