USERS of nine libraries across the district are being asked when they would prefer opening hours to be slashed due to budget cuts.

As part of a swathe of cost-cutting measures, Bradford Council plans to reduce the budget of its library service by £175,000 in the coming year.

A recent report into how these cuts could be achieved suggested that all 10 of the Council-run libraries in the district remain open but with reduced opening hours.

The changes could see opening hours reduced by around 15 per cent.

The Council’s Executive voted to move ahead with the proposals last week – triggering a public consultation.

Now members of the public are being asked for their say on the changes to opening times for nine libraries.

But the consultation reveals that City Library, based in Bradford City Centre, will not face a reduction in hours, as it “is by far (the Council’s) busiest library, attracting visitors from across the district". 

The consultation lists two options for each library – options it says are “based on usage patterns for each library in the previous year".

To take part in the survey, which runs until September 4, visit

Options for the other libraries:


One option would see the library keep its current opening and closing times, but close for an hour between 12.30pm and 1.30pm each day.

The other would see the library shut at noon on Friday – it currently closes at 5pm on Fridays, and close an hour earlier (4pm) on Saturday.

Keighley LibraryKeighley Library (Image: T&A)


Options put forward for Ilkley Library are similar to Keighley – one would see the library close for an hour over lunch (12.30pm – 1.30pm) each day it currently opens.

The other would include a half-day opening (9am to noon) on Friday and a 4pm close on Saturdays.

Ilkley LibraryIlkley Library (Image: Google)


The options for Bingley Library, which is busiest on a Saturday between 9am and 11am, are identical to those for Keighley and Ilkley.


Options for Shipley Library include the lunch hour closure each day the library opens, or an early closure on Monday (noon) and 4pm closing time on Saturday.

Shipley LibraryShipley Library (Image: T&A)


The two options for Manningham Library include a later opening time on Monday to Saturday, 10.30am instead of 9.30am, or a full-day closure on Fridays.

Manningham LibraryManningham Library (Image: T&A)


Eccleshill Library’s two options are a lunch hour closure each day the library is open or a mix of half-day opening Friday (9am to noon) and 4pm closure on a Saturday.


Laisterdyke Library customers taking the survey can choose between lunch hour closures or a noon closure on Friday.

Laisterdyke LibraryLaisterdyke Library (Image: T&A)


The two options for Wibsey are a lunch hour closure each day the library is open, or a half day (9.30am-12.30pm) on Mondays.


Wyke has similar options to Wibsey – a lunch hour closure each day the library is open or 12.30pm closure on Mondays.