THERE is no evidence that the closure of three tips in the Bradford district has led to an increase in fly-tipping, according to Council bosses.

At a recent meeting, Bradford Council leaders were asked whether the authority’s latest budget had taken into account the costs of dealing with an increase in tipping after the closure of household waste sites in Golden Butts (Ilkley) Sugden End (Crossflatts) and Ford Hill (Queensbury).

Councillor Neil Whitaker (Green, Craven) asked: “Does the Budget approved by Full Council, but opposed by Green councillors, take into account any likely additional costs of the Council for dealing with extra fly-tipping in consequence of the closure of the three HWRC sites in Bradford district?”

He also asked if the Council expected any addition costs from cleaning up fly-tipping this year.

A response from Sarah Ferriby, Executive for Healthy People and Places, said: “There is no data to suggest that residents would or are fly-tipping as a result of the HWRC closures.

“Fly-tipping is an illegal activity which will lead to prosecution of the offender. Fly-tipping volumes have not increased but are always monitored throughout the year.”

She added: “Fly-tipping dealt with within existing budgets always multiple reports. The perception is fly-tipping may have increased but there is no increase we’ve seen. We constantly monitor how much is collected and where it is collected from.”